Single Cell Sequencing
Traditional bulk sequencing approaches analyze the RNA content of a pool of cells, whether from cell culture
or tissue. Within these samples, however, there can be many cell types or states. Each cell contains a
unique transcriptional profile, meaning there are potentially millions of different profiles in a single pool. But
bulk data reflect only a single expression value for each detected gene. Cell type and state differences are
masked by averaging the RNA content across the sample. High expressors dominate data sets, often
preventing detection of low abundance transcripts.
Single cell sequencing is designed to capture the transcriptome of each individual cell separately, enabling
researchers to evaluate differential expression between cell types and states. This becomes of particular
relevance in oncology research. Tumors are heterogenous mixes of healthy and cancerous cells. When
RNA is extracted and bulk approaches are used, the resulting data are an average of both types of cell
conditions. Single cell, however, allows scientists to see the true transcriptional differences between a single
healthy cell versus a single cancerous cell. Additionally, individual cell types can be identified to detect
immune infiltration or other biological responses to tumor growth. By comparing the transcriptome (or
genome) of healthy and cancerous cells, we are better able to identify both pathways leading to cancer
progression and targets to halt that progression.
Technology Highlights
10x Genomics Chromium X
- Single cell applications for 3’, 5’ & immune profiling, ATAC, multiome, fixed, nuclei
- Up to 20k cells per sample with GEM-X technologies
- Compatible with CITE-seq & hashing
- New methods support on-chip multiplexing and direct blood fixation
- One cell per well capture for whole genome (WG) single cell analysis or paired WG
and polyA RNA single cell analysis - Proprietary Primary Template-directed Amplification (PTA) of DNA yields truer
representation of genome - Higher gene capture means better cell type identification from fewer cells
Parse Biosciences
- Combinatorial barcoding method for whole transcriptome and immune profiling
- Target up to 1M cells in a single assay
- Proprietary fixation method permeabilizes cell membrane and locks RNA in place for
long term storage and stability